A Supernatural Exchange

Today we celebrate a supernatural exchange! That while we were enemies of the Creator of all things, Jesus died in our place, taking our sin on Himself. We deserved to die, hell our destination, but now death is no longer the end! Death is defeated!! If you know this...

A Real Supernatural Testimony

Here are two videos of a friend of mine who experienced the Real Supernatural, in that way of a physical healing.  Two years ago my friend Trina was healed instantly of all of her symptoms of M.S. (“Multiple Sclerosis,” a chronic disease that attacks the...

A Performance that Lasts

Recently, I was able to see two different performances that really struck me, yet in very different ways. They have both inspired me to strive to always be a better performer: 1) Guy at the back of the Disneyland parade. There’s a guy who’s job is to dance on the back...

Eating Escargot

Last January, my wife and I made a trip to Paris, France, to look into moving there. While there, we had the delight of eating escargot.  For those of you who are not familiar with the term it means snails.  As an american, this honestly sounded repulsive to...

Hear this a lot!

This was not the first time I heard this from someone who booked me for their event…so I asked him if he’d say it on camera and he was excited to! (sorry about the audio, something went a little weird with that)  But the jist of what he said was for the...

The Magic in a Child’s Imagination

I’m just going to say it…I AM JEALOUS OF MY DAUGHTER.  I so envy how she and my little guy can leave reality in a blink and transport themselves to the Neverlands of their imaginations.  Remember when you could pretend you were an airplane or a fairy and fly on the...

My Take on Psychics

Recently, I had a woman come up to me after my show and ask what I thought about Psychics.  Are they real?  Is there any validity to them?  I told her that the only real supernatural I believe in (after much research into the subject) is what is talked about in the...

Show in Paris

Who is blessed enough to get to travel to Paris, mess with peoples minds through magic, and then tell them about the real supernatural? I do! Feeling humbled and blessed to live such an amazing adventure of a life! [youtube...

Escaping from a Straight Jacket

Just another day at the office.  This was done in a park in El Salvador.  After I escaped we had a ex-con from El Salvador share how God had redeemed his life, and then Jason Ostrander shared the gospel to a receptive crowd!  Praise God that I could be a part of...